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An introduction to Infinity Staking
Stake and earn while maintaining full liquidity on all your locked assets. Coming to Blast and L2's near you.
Coming Soon

Infinity Staking
Stake a token within itself. Instead of locking inside of a contract, users can stake by locking their token inside their own token.

Freedom to transfer
Staking no longer means losing control of your assets when you lock. Infinity staking gives you the freedom to transfer your staked assets whenever you'd like.

Generate rewards
Earn rewards based on duration of the stake. The longer you stake the more rewards generated.

Infinite Compound
As staked assets grow, eventually they can produce enough to create another staked asset. Compound it to grow your earnings even more!
Launching On
Infinity Staking - How it works
Infinite Stake
Stake your ERC20 tokens by looping into it's own represented ERC721.
Earn rewards
Earn rewards as a growing APR as your tokens are staked within its own NFT.
Transfer freely
Even though your tokens are staked and locked for a duration, freely transfer the NFT that holds the staked tokens.

IMprovements to ERC404
Cheaper Gas Cost
More Capital Efficient
More Staking and Rewards

What is GOMU
How does Infinity Staking rely on ERC404?
Are there risks involved?
How much can I earn per stake?
What chain is GOMU launching on?
Coming to Blast
Mint will be available on Mainnet.
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